日本時間2014/05/25 午後3時にローンチされた仮想通貨「Ringo」の情報まとめWikiです。導入から運用まで。出ている情報を一通り纏めていきます。

Latest News

  • almost people join and discussion now in Discord.Please join Discord.(but If you posted wiki comment,We will respond.)
  • Exchange Request now. please wait(we can listed in april 2018)

How to Install Ringo-qt Wallet(Windows)

(NOT USE unzip tool AIzip. it use will file broken)
1. download RINGO wallet latest windows version this link↓

2.unzip walletfile, and once time starting Ringo-qt wallet.display this screen after close wallet.(like this↓)

3. download bootstrap for MEGA latest version this link↓


4. add bootstrap.dat 「%appdata%→Ringo」in this file like always.

5. you will finished wait by 2day~4days.(sorry, make more shoter time development now!)

How to install Ringo-qt wallet(Mac)

sorry, This page is not finished yet
1. download RINGO wallet latest mac version this link↓

2.still open official site,open download file and add application folder.(add app folder after can open launchpad)

3.once time starting Ringo-qt wallet.display this screen after close wallet.
(If display caution, Open→System Refference>security and property)

3. download bootstrap for MEGA latest version this link↓

close site is OK after this download.

4. add bootstrap.dat 「%appdata%→Ringo」in this file like always.
「I don't know how to unzip .7z!」
Open and enter terminal
brew install p7zip
and finish install,Let's unzip!
7z x /Users/<自分>/Library/Application\ Support/Ringo/Ringo_bootstrap_xxxxxxxx.7z

end sentence,「bootstrap.dat」If it writing. You got it!!

Bootstrap.dat move Ringo folder(Ringo folder→/Users/<自分>/Library/Application Support/Ringo)

maybe this display still 2~4days not change.but,please don't touch.This is Last section!!

5. you will finished wait by 2day~4days.(sorry, make more shoter time development now!)

How to get to Ringo?

Ringo only have one faucet. but, sometimes stop site(site server error).
  • So? No exchange,No faucet.What shoud I do?
NO PROBLEM I have an Idea. Let's check next.
1.Join discord. and say「Hello! I finished Ringo wallet! Please give me Ringo!(RIngo address)」
you will get wallet or discord tip Ringo!
2.Posted this wiki(+ringo address!).I give you Ringo!
3.Registration Askmona. and posted this thread. http://askmona.org/9784 (but this site is only japanese. so Im not recommended.)

Backup and Help!

  • buckup
upper left tub 「file >Buckup wallet」and save something offline place(or cloudservice...etc)
  • restore
If change computer,broken Ringo-qt wallet, Ringo-qt use can wallet.dat file restore!
1.prepare the Ringo wallet.dat
2.Open 「%AppData%¥Ringo¥」and put in wallet.dat and open Ringo-qt wallet.




